i thought it was funny
some sort of quick idea i presume?
i thought it was funny
some sort of quick idea i presume?
Well thank you for the compliment. It was sort of a quick idea, kinda, I guess...
tHAT WAS really good and funny
Too bad i hate you for writing that stupid review about my movie,"Tony Montana(finished).Its not becuase u didnt like it,but becuase you had nothing to support your opinion.All u talked about was raping and killing me.You are really messed up in the head.And if i ever figuare out where in New YORK OR Miami u live in, i would seriousley fuck you up.No joke.Take it as a threat.U better never talk about my killing my family.I will hunt u down mother fucker and i will break ur legs.U better beleive it.U did have a good movie.But u are a prick.And u know what i am talkin about.That review u wrote not long ago.And im not jokin about breakin u apart.Not even a jail sentence can stop me from protecting my family,so u better straighten up.
i skimmed through my pants and noticed your review like 5 years later and i have no idea what im talking about... or you ....but yes i would like to fuck your mother in the ass and your father in the ass and any type of animal you own or dominate in the ass, he is whom or death cheese mayan pottery
Dint make any sense
meh, lick my butt crack
That was really funny
It was really funny.i think it needed voices,but that would make the file size a lot bigger.The Charlie Chaplin speaking theme is funny though.Since i have never seen anything like this before,i gave u high style points.Did u actually make this or was this a funny from the internet?Answer me or u be aclaimed as a goat for the rest of ur life!!!!!!
The voices come next, I dont have a working microphone. There is actually going to be a team of guys doing this. Five minute long episodes, and if it goes over well on NG. I'll post little one minute shorts here and there. The next one will have sound. Thanks for your review
yarrrrrr arrrrrrr
Being a pirate isnt easy at all.
Try being a ninja. THAT's tough. Some real ultimate power there.
Very good
I usually disowned the whole clock series becuase I thought they were stupid.I never understood them.Can u PLEASE explain the series to me.Explain how the whole clock and lock phase started.I wanna understand them and resoect them ore.Great work.I love that wolfish character.He looks cool.oh and i almost for got to ask u my riddle.Here it is: IF SANTA CLAUSE FOUND THE HOUSE OF COOKIES,THEN WHERE IS THE LAKE OF MILK?
To learn the history of the clock crew and lock legion check the generas and series sections on NG and look at clock crew. There is a long history between the two groups. And in response to the riddle i would say in his pants?
Ur movies are always complete
How do u do it?I don't get how u do it?The animation looks like a professional cartoon.Do u make many layers and do frame by fame animation on each layer.like one foe eyes,mouth,exct.Or do u have individual movie clips?Ho does it go?
The fire was one layer, an animated symbol. The chewing was on another layer and was also a symbol. For everything else, though, I just re-drew the character over and over. It's tedious, I know, but meh...Whatever works.
Thanks for the review!
I am a married 22 year old father of 1.I have been in the navy for over 3 years.I am a NAVY corpsman,which is basically a medic for MARINES since they don't have thie own medic department.I am a veteran of Afghanistan.Ihave been all over the world.
Age 38, Male
NAVY corpsman
Temecula, CA
Joined on 2/16/03